Union Village

Designed by Town Planner Mike Watkins LLC, and founded on the design principles of places like Mariemont, Hyde Park, Oakwood, and other great southwestern Ohio towns, Union Village is a “New Urban” master-planned community made up of an assemblage of neighborhoods and hamlets that radiate from a central town square, each arranged around a smaller neighborhood green or civic space. A green network of trails, gullies, trees, and parks weaves between the neighborhoods and connects them all to a nearby county park and recreational lake.
Historic Architectural Influenced Designs
RESNET Energy Smart Certified Homes
Side Walks & Street Lamps
Community Retail, Businesses and Restaurants within Union Village
Central Town Square with Union Building
Master Plan 200-acre Greenway System of Meadows, Woodland Parks and Pathways to Connect Union Village to the Nearby Armco Park and the New Warren County Sports Park
Lebanon School District
Contact New Home Specialist
Cathy Hall 513-442-5555
for more information